I have a questions for you ….. What is your greatest victory?
At some point in your life, you have faced and overcome challenges.
There have been times when no one believed in you. Sometimes even when you doubted yourself.
I am sure there were days when you felt like David facing Goliath – when everything was at stake.
But, when all was said and done, you dug deep, ignored the doubters, and achieved your “Greatest Victory.” does it matter
People need to know your story.
As a matter of fact, the story of how you achieved your “Greatest Victory” may be just the thing someone needs to be inspired to hang in there and handle their own challenges.
What’s stopping you from sharing your greatest victory?
Most people don’t share their story because they either put off sharing it or don’t believe they can write it down.
Would you write about your greatest victory if you had someone to help capture your story with clarity and conciseness?
I’m sure you would.
Well, that’s what my staff will do to help you share your “Greatest Victory” with the world.
The “Life Lessons for Your Success” Book Project:
I am writing a new book entitled “Life Lessons for Your Success.”
This book is based on the principles set forth in our best-selling book, The Twelve Universal Laws of Success.
Each chapter of this new book covers a particular life challenge that undermines progress on your success journey in life and in business.
These challenges are addressed in a concise, straightforward manner that provides insight, direction, and solutions.
The objective of each chapter is to provide understanding, context, and easy to follow steps for addressing and overcoming the life challenge.
The core information in this new book consists of my notes and writings developed from a series of Success Mentorship Classes that I taught over the last four years.
Topics contained in Life Lessons for Your Success include:
As I wrote this new book, it became clear that many achievers just like you have stories of overcoming their own life challenges and achieving their “Greatest Victory.”
Taking the information in this new book to a more personal, demonstrative level, I am inviting carefully selected contributors to participate in the Life Lessons for Your Success book by sharing their own success stories.
Contributor participants include super achievers, people who have purchased The Twelve Universal Laws of Success, and others who have used the universal principles to achieve success in their lives or business.
Each contributor would provide a written narrative describing how they achieved their greatest victory.
They can share how they used the success principles in The Twelve Universal Laws of Success or other personal development books to overcome major challenges, make breakthroughs, and achieve their “Greatest Victory.”
Contribution Levels:
Platinum Contributors:
Twelve Platinum Contributors will be given the opportunity to write a segment of up 1500 words on the topic “My Greatest Victory.”
This written segment will describe the challenge that confronted them and how they overcame it.
This segment will be edited and included, upon approval, in the New Life Lessons for Your Success book.
The name, brief bio, business/personal description, and contact information for the contributor will be listed along with the written segment.
Participation fee for Platinum Contributors is $997.
Platinum Contributors receive:
*1,500 word segment
*150 word bio
*Professional editing
*Video interview about the “Greatest Victory” for personal
and promotional use
* QR Code to Platinum Contributor Website
*Membership in private Facebook group
*Five (5) autographed copies of "Life Lessons for your Success"
*50% discount on future purchases (5 or more books)
*Listing in Index of Participants
Platinum Contributor Tonya Debnam
Platinum Contributor Oscar Joe Dais
Platinum Contributor Jay Clark
Platinum Contributor Dr. James Graham
Payment Options:
Platinum Contributors:
1. One-time of $997, or
2. Three (3) payments of $400 each:
* $400 on registration
* $400 within 30 days or upon submission of first draft, whichever is sooner.
* $400 within 60 days or upon submission of the final draft, whichever is sooner.
Diamond Contributors:
Twelve Diamond Contributors will be given the opportunity to write a segment of up 600 words on the topic “My Greatest Victory.”
This written segment will describe the challenge that confronted them and how they overcame it.
This segment will be edited and included, upon approval, in the New Life Lessons for Your Success book.
The name, brief bio, business/personal description, and contact information for the contributor will be listed along with the written segment.
Participation fee for Diamond Contributors is $497.
Diamond Contributors receive:
*600 word insert/article
*100 word bio
*Professional editing
* QR Code to Diamond Distributors Website
*Video interview about the “Greatest Victory” for personal and promotional use
*Membership in private Facebook group
*Three (3) autographed copies of "Life Lessons for your Success"
*50% discount on future purchases (5 or more books)
*Listing in Index of Participants
Segment Placement:
One platinum and one diamond segment will be included at the end of each of the twelve chapters in "Life Lessons for your Success."
Diamond Contributors:
1. One-time payment of $497, or
2. Three (3) payments of $225 each:
* $225 on registration.
* $225 within 30 days or upon submission of first draft, whichever is sooner.
* $225 within 60 days or upon submission of final draft, whichever is sooner.
Diamond Contributor Cassandra Henderson
Success Honor Roll Participants:
In addition to the Platinum and Diamond contributor levels, I see the importance of acknowledging the success efforts of achievers who have distinguished themselves using the principles in The Twelve Universal Laws of Success.
Twelve “Success Honor Roll” Participants will be listed at the end of each chapter.
The listing will include the participant’s name, business/personal description, and contact information.
Participation fee for Honor Roll Participants is $200.
Honor Roll Participants receive:
*Listing of participant’s name, business/personal description, contact information
* QR Code to Honor Roll Particpant's Website
*Membership in private Facebook group
*One (1) autographed copy "Life Lessons for your Success"
*50% discount on future purchases (5 or more books)
*Listing in Index of Participants
$200 one-time payment (only)
For more information about how you can participate, email "I want to share my story" to: